Thursday, November 15, 2007

I had to pee

I pick up change. You know how you walk along and you see a penny and you check to see if it's heads-side up because then it's lucky? I don't do that. I pick up change: all change, from where ever I see it, and when it comes to change my normally myopic vision, which prevents me recognizing people who are more than five feet away, allows me to spot pennies half buried in dirt across the street. In fact my dear friend and shopping partner, A, once had a conversation with her husband regarding how small a denomination I would deign to remove from the top of a dead rat in a gutter if the rat looked like it had been struck a car and the corpse was in no way punctured or oozing. They thought the denomination was very small and it's worth mentioning that at the time I was a bit of a hypochondriac and they had factored that in.

I say "at that time" because I am currently in India and I think it's fair to say that no actual diagnosed hypochondriac would ever come to India of their own volition. I have seen, touched, and even eaten things that previously would have required disinfecting whatever body part had come in contact with the offending object. At this moment I am on a public computer using a public keyboard in a country that still has leper colonies, plural. The only reason to have leper colonies plural, unless armadillos are the current must-have accessory, is because someone didn't get the memo that's it's freaking contagious. But here I am, still typing and intending to do so again in the near future, probably after I go get lunch and use the same soap that has been used by countless strangers to wash my hands, before sitting down at a table that has been wiped with a rag the waiter has just tugged out of his dhoti, while watching a cockroach bigger than my thumb (not including antenna) leap off the bag being carried to the curb and head back toward the kitchen. See, "at that time".

Anyway the restaurants are nothing on the bathrooms, trust me I have been in them. Just take a moment and let your imagination wander as you consider what that means. Remember that Indians don't generally use toilet paper, reflect on the a country who's idea of garbage disposal is to take it outside and that's it, then let me add one piece of information. You know those disks they use in urinals in the states to keep the smell down? In India they put them in the sinks.

Okay, still with me. Let's put it all together: I pick up change; people have postulated that a dead rat would be a mild deterrent due to my hypochondria; I am in India and have apparently overcome the worst of my hypochondria; and finally, I use public restrooms in India (do you see where this is going?).

I just picked up TWO Rupees off the floor in a public bathroom in India!

Dude, if you see a dead rat that looks like it was disemboweled post-mortem you can be sure that someone told me they saw it swallow a nickle.


Sylven said...

I thought playing menu roulette in Vietnam made me a fairly bad ass expat (don't ever call me expat. I hate that, don't know why) but between rolling dead rats for change and writing blogs on leprous keyboards I know now I can't touch you, and don't really want to until we get you nicely scrubbed down with disinfectant. :p

It gave me giggles.

Patty said...

Even 10,000 miles away, you can make my skin crawl. bravo.

Congrats on the rupees. But, how bout I give you 4 rupees for every 2 you DO NOT pick up from a carcass or fecal-infected floor?

Even with the daily exposure to leprosy, I miss you greatly, my friend.

Ammie said...

You so washed those rupees and your hands -- you can't fool me!

The rat thing -- still gives us a chuckle whenever we pick a penny up out of the gutter.

This frequent victim of your "myopia" (though how I can be mistaken for a copy machine is still up for questioning) applauds you, and misses you. Yay for the blog! I'm listing it in my blogroll yo.

tina said...

I'm with Amanda. Will ya please stop picking up rupees there!!!!!!!

Richard said...

At one point, I know we had some conversation about this just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should rats or rupees in the conditions you mentioned really should be left in what ever places and positions gravity has brought them to. I will add to the four from Amanda another four or forty four ltfroralone

Ammie said...

Y'all are missing the point -- it's 2 fucking rupees! Um, hello, priorities?

What could happen?

Tink said...

awwww you guys, you posted comments. This blogging thing is so cool. Aim I am totally going to comment on your blog, I had no idea that posts gave the the blogger the warm fuzzies. I miss you all.